Seasons and Festivals

Throughout the world, in all civilisations, there are celebrations reflecting nature’s rhythms, important transitions, and significant moments in the life of the culture.
The Waldorf philosophy integrates the natural world in to every aspect of the day, from outdoor play, to gardening, to bread making, to toy making, to nature stories and of course through the natural toys. An often overlooked part of Waldorf’s connection to natural learning is through their celebration of the seasons and seasonal festivals.
At Rush Farm Children’s Garden we celebrate festivals throughout the year such as Candlemas in February, Easter, May Day when the children dance round the maypole and wear crowns of flowers, St John’s or Midsummer, Michaelmas, Martinmas in November when we have a lantern walk and of course Advent and Christmas. They are incorporated into the daily rhythm through stories, food and craft activities.


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